Mrs Mac’s Pledges to Help Stop Bullying Across Australia

Mrs Mac’s, one of Australia’s largest savoury pastry producers has announced a new two-year partnership with the Make Bullying History Foundation to eradicate bullying in schools across the country.

As a family-owned, Australian business, Mrs Mac’s believes in supporting those most affected by bullying, particularly given that suicide is the number one killer of teenagers in Australia and 80% of all suicides are a direct result of bullying.

Mrs Mac’s hard-working values, forged since its inception in 1954, go hand-in-hand with the work that the Make Bullying History Foundation does across Australia.

MBHF gives educational seminars to primary and secondary school students, as well as development workshops for teachers and parents, helping to create a proven holistic school community approach to disarm bullying.

The latest seminar, at Glenwood High School in Sydney, saw both organisations launch their partnership and help educate over 200 Year 7 students in attendance.

Drew Fairnham, General Manager, Sales and Marketing at Mrs Mac’s spoke about the company’s multi-year commitment and moral obligation to deter bullying with the MBHF.

“Mrs Mac’s has a strong culture of fairness and, as a family-owned business, we feel aligned to the commitment the Make Bullying History Foundation is making to educate young people and guardians about the devastating effects bullying can have on those around them,” he said.

“We’re very happy to announce our partnership for the next two years and look forward to working with the Foundation,” Fairnham ended.

Brett Murray, CEO and Co-founder of Make Bullying History Foundation also shared his enthusiasm for the newly formed partnership.

“Make Bullying History always aims to be the very best in what we do – educating students and families on how to identify and stop bullying. It’s a life-altering issue so we must always strive to improve and be the best,” he stated.

“We only partner with organisations that hold the same values. Bullying is an awful behaviour that impacts individuals and their families. The great weapon to stop bullying is family. Mrs Mac’s are family-owned and always strive for excellence, so to join forces with them was a natural fit,” Murray ended.